Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Septiembre doce, 2012

Today was rather tragic and devastating, as Mr. Schick had pointed out to the class. He had many stories to tell us as we answered the twenty five questions we had to search for homework. We talked about our population and how it will never stay the same because every second there is a baby born or a person dead or dying. It is tragic to think about but it is true and it is reality. We learned about another bombing yesterday and it just so happened to be the day of 9/11. More than half of the class had been outside of the country and if we were to be in the past, very few students would have raised their hand. That shows the difference in the way we do things today and the way we did things yesterday. You never know what will happen because at this very moment, if Washington D.C. were to be attacked from a nuclear bombed, we would all be dead. Now is not that something exciting to talk about?

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