Monday, September 3, 2012


Essay #1: My original definition of arete was a person being the best they can be to their full potential. Socrates was a wise man and he knew that every person had the ability to achieve greatness and he expected nothing less. That is why he himself did the best he could and encouraged others to do the same. Ancient Greeks had an interesting lifestyle and personality. I think that they always did their best because of the standards they made for their gods. They were very faithful and they knew that nothing could get by the gods, forcing them to be scared at the fact of displeasing them. 

Essay #2: If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates were to experience our present lives, I am positive that they would be as disgusted as I am. People are very lazy and that is very much unlike the lessons Hubbard and Socrates taught. They were motivators and their goal was to be involved as much as they can. They lived to their fullest potential and gave a lot to this world. For them to see the lifestyles of today, I think that they would feel as if they failed. 

Essay #3: My number one goal going into every grade would be to try my best. That is the number one thing on my list especially going into High School. The second thing would have to be turning in all of my homework on time. I know that I can forget a lot of things and I get very distracted, but I plan on doing my best to not turn in any assignments late. Another thing would be receiving straight A's on my report card. I haven never gotten anything lower than an A in all of my years in middle school, and I wish for it to stay that way. I have a tendency to talk a lot and it is because I am very social and outgoing, but I hope I am able to pay more attention when I need to the most. I learn that it comes in handy most of the time. My last thing on my list is to be the best person I can be. I always want to be as friendly as I can and I want to graduate High School with no regrets. 

1 comment:

  1. #1: 21/25 (B). This is a fair description of Socrates, but there's no mention of the Socratic Method or how he died - both important details.

    #2: 22/25 (B+) But wouldn't Socrates be pleased that there was still democracy in the world?

    #3: 25/25 (A+). This is a great plan. I feel confident that you will be a huge success at JC, especially if you stick to this plan. Good luck!
