Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3, 2012

Today was rather simple but frustrating. Mr. Schick had told us about the previous class and why they got in trouble and I thought it to be silly for that to happen with my class, but no. It was very frustrating to have everything I typed deleted. There was no way of telling who it was so that is why is kept happening. Eventually the goons stopped and I was able to write down my two organizations that I had listed from the top of my head. My partner was Melissa and it was a privilege to work with her. We finished early so we sat there playing with here turtles on her iGoogle page. They were so much fun watching and you can even feed them. As we were downloading a hamster to play with, the bell had rung because it took forever to download. Hopefully next class we will have spare time to play with the virtual hamster

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