Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mr. Schick's Hate List

Today in class, I learned a lot. At the very beginning, I am not sure how, but we started to tell horror stories about our adventures with stinkbugs. Mr. Schick's story almost made me want to pass out because I absolutely hate stink bugs. Even though I am a billion times their size, they scare me. I would not be surprised   if I have nightmares about them. We finally realized that we should start getting on task and learn what we are supposed to learn so we turned out attention to the Smart Board Mr. Schick had his power point shown on. As expected, we took a good ten or fifteen minutes talking about and trying to figure out how to slide the screen up and down. You can add that as number two on the list of Mr. Schick's pet peeves. Then as he started where we left off the last class, everyone was on there computer, but not me of course. So that took another five minutes to discuss Mr. Schick's hatred of open computers. #3. Then finally, for the rest of the class, we finished learning about our five religions and then we carried on with our lives because the bell rang.

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