Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 30, 2012

Today I felt was very interesting. It was pretty funny when we were debating about receiving donuts after Mr. Schick had encouraged the class to join the debate team. I think that it would be pretty cool to be on the debate team because you get to argue about things and not get in trouble. We then had to take our very first set of notes in our composition books and it was not too bad because the topic was very interesting I thought. We learned about the letter to Garcia and how mysterious it was that Rolan was able to find him with no direction. It was inspirational because it taught us to be willing to do tasks for people who ask without any complaint. As Americans, we tend to be very lazy and that is something I need to work on. The author showed how no one else was alike Rolan because every other person would always ask why they had to do a favor and where and when. Not a single question was asked by Rolan because he was willing and a hard worker that was most wanted. Good work and effort will pay off in the end and you could say it is karma.
arĂȘte-being the best you can be to your full potential
polis: an ancient Greek city-state.
Socrates: Athenian philosopher.
The death of Socrates- there is a painting of him drinking hemlock because of his different beliefs than the Athens' that killed him
the socratic method: named after Greek philosopher Socrates, who taught students by asking question after question, seeking to expose contradictions in the students’ thoughts and ideas to then guide them to arrive at a solid, tenable conclusion.
the date 508 BC- Traditional date of the Etruscan invasion under Lars Porsena
agora- he chief marketplace of Athens, center of thecity's civic life.
what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot-meant private person, layman and is derived from the Greek word idios, own, private.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012

       Today I would say was fairly easy, but I surely am not complaining. I still need to get used to waking up extremely early so that I do not fall asleep in class. I was able to keep myself awake because it was fun and I was not bored. All the while Mr. Schick was helping fellow students with their blog, I was able to meet friends. My blog did not need any help so I conversed with the two students sitting next to me and they are so nice! I was laughing the whole time and they showed me really cool things I can do on my computer that I had no idea of the possibility. For a good amount of time, Carly was trying to get my attention so I would go to her blog and watch the fish in the background swim. I must admit that I thought it was pretty cool. I wish that I had fish in my blog… or maybe turtles!

Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

Today's schedule followed the Advisory Bell meaning all of the times were different than usual. I had Human Geography right before my first free mod and I was starving. Fortunately, class went by pretty quickly because it was all that boring. We discussed the syllabus which I was very interested in. It answered all of my questions and now I feel more confident going into Human Geography class. We changed our seats and talked about our blogs. I learned where to find the teacher normally in his office because he teaches in three different locations. My class is Section 2 and he says we are the smart class since we took less than a minute finding our assigned seat from the visual uploaded on the projector screen. I do not mind my seat but I like to switch seats often when I am in school. We learned how we are supposed to take our notes and all we need is a composition book to help us to succeed.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day of Scool

My time spent on my first day at John Carroll was even more exciting than my shadow day, but I must admit that t I was way more nervous than I ever expected to be. My dad fulfilled all of my expectations and I had enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I met a boat load of new people and I cannot wait to go to school with the upper classmen. I have always gone to one school my entire life and changing my learning experience is overwhelming, but in a good way. I cannot wait to meet new friends and start fresh. I had a great first day and I am excited to go back. I never thought I would ever say I actually enjoyed going to school but from seeing John Carroll for the first time as a Patriot, I know I am going to like it here.