Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

As I had expected, I got a 100% on my Pop Test. Mr. Schick handed out all of our tests today and he rung a bell if you got a 90% and two bells for a perfect score. I was not positive I was going to get one, but I had most of the information either on my blog or in my head. I knew the answer to every question so I was expecting a good grade. This is helpful because I am starting to do better in all my classes because I am focusing more and it is really starting to show. We discussed a lot about a man named Gerry Sandusky who is going to speak to us for an assembly tomorrow because of the difficult hardships he has to go through because of his name, which is alike Jerry Sandusky's, a sex offender. We also began to watch a video about the economy mostly in China. I am planning on posting my notes when I get more written down since there was not a lot of time left in class.

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