Monday, January 14, 2013

My participation

I would say my class participation for the semester would land around a 95 or so. I try to participate as much as a can when I actually know an answer or if I have an opinion. I do not believe a class has gone through without myself interacting with the class discussion. I like giving my input and sharing what I think about what were learning. I really am not a shy person so I do not mind raising my hand in class even if I will get the answer wrong. I have done fairly well on the tests so that must mean I am paying attention and asking questions on materials I do not understand. On our projects I was always one of the top leaders in doing the work and organizing our ideas. I am comfortable with all of my classmates so there is nothing stopping me from telling what I know and sharing my input.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

...and there's more

the type of farming a civilization had was crucial to equality- comes down to geographic luck
was able to get protein from animals- meat and milk
also made clothes with the fur
goats and sheep were first to be domesticated
herbivores are the only type of animals that can be domesticated
14 herbivores species that can be domesticated are-
bactrian camels
arabian camels
water buffalo
bali camel
-all come from Asia, North Africa, Europe
llamas come from South America
cows, sheep, goats, horses, and pigs in middle east

Monday, January 7, 2013

More about our friend Jared

all civilizations have had - advanced technology, large population, well organized work forces
cargo- goods, paper, music players, what you own, take with you, and use
colonists- believed they were genetically better than the New Guineans-Jared Diamond disagreed saying it all  depends on your situation, area and skills
women gathered- gathering was more efficient than hunting
sego- barley and wheat was farmed in the middle east
drought lased more than 1,000 years- people then learned to grow their own food
drah- an archaeological sight- the oldest village discovered- dated 11.5 thousand years ago
granary- place to store grain- how they survived
domestication- domesticating crops- finding it and planting it
china- rice
america- corn, squash, beans
Africa- sorghum, millet, yams
^^New Guinea was not as fortunate

Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 4, 2013

major question- equality
most people would not have enjoyed their time in New Guinea with the lack to adapt and put aside the cons of living in the wild. People would not have found the beauty like Diamond and would find it as suffering instead of an incredible experience and learning opportunity.
The New Guineans are brilliant in the way they are able to quickly learn and understand well. However, they seemed very frustrated how the white men were more fortunate then the black men

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jared Diamond

       Jared Diamond was born on September 10, 1937. He is a bestselling author for books on science and is currently a professor of Geography at the University of California along with being a scientist and anthropologist. His original novels contain information about human evolution, the evolution of human sexuality, the political and economic power of Eurasian, and the succession and failure of civilizations and why. His study and research gives us the meaning with how our civilizations developed and how our evolution as humans began. He wrote a book about ­guns, germs, and steel and treble warfare. He studied birds and had many trips to New Guinea. He began many projects spread out through Africa and the world about the study of birds. He chose New Guinea because of its nature and the lack of environmental change. He then saw that the life and people were even more astonishing than the birds themselves. We may be researching him as a background to what we will be learning. I predict his importance that we are learning the evolution of nature and our bodies. We will learn why we are how we are through civilizations failures and succession to how we are the way we are. We are learning how and why we are who we are. 
       Guns, Germs, and Steel is a novel written by Jared Diamond focuses on the effects that had formed our human and world history in the past 10,000 years. This book shows the biological research of our history as humans and a way towards success. The book talks about our evolution through the physical geography of our world and our natural resources. It also shows the buildup through our continents and its trade. We may be eventually reading or skimming this novel as a background to our world and human history in our failure to attempt for success how we had succeeded. They say we learn from our past to never repeat our mistakes and this will give us as a world knowledge to decrease our failures. The first part being covered how some civilizations advanced and became dominant and how others did not.